About VSLAs
Curious to know what VSLA are? Get to know how we partner with Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLA) to create impact and change lives of rural women and youth.
The Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLA) is a locally owned and self-managed structure model where women come together in a group to save money and lend to each other to provide for their families with basics of life like food, clothing, healthcare and school fees for their children. On average each VSLA has 30 members who live in the same village and are all known to each other.
Originally VSLA were started by women, but with time, young people (youth) in rural areas who drop out of school due to lack of school fees have since adopted the same model and are now starting their own groups where they save and borrow money from each other to start local businesses.
In a VSLA model, each person is a keeper of his/her neighbor.
As LINKAGES, we are leveraging on the power of group lending as an alternative to physical collateral to provide easy access to agricultural and business finance to women and youth who are already in VSLAs.